Veterans Parade – Instructions
Los Banos Veterans Parade Instructions
Check-in at 9:00 am on November 2, 2024
Check-in location: “I” Street and 7th Street (look for canopy)
The parade begins at 11:00 am sharp!
Traveling WEST on Pacheco/152; Enter from 152/Pacheco Blvd onto “I” St. near Western Motors. Go to 7th St. for Check-In. Look for the Canopy.
Traveling EAST on Pacheco/152; Make a LEFT at the light onto “H.” Follow the road, make a LEFT onto 10th St.. then make a RIGHT onto “I” St. Go to 7th St. for Check-in.
Participant Check-In
The Check In Canopy is at the intersection of “I” St. and 7th St.
You must go to the Check In Canopy to receive staging location and lineup position.
You will line up on “K” street between 6th Street and 7th Street.
- Horse Units should follow the same instructions. Please clean up after your animals!
Other Important Information
It is the responsibility of each group/organization/school to arrange and communicate their own meeting time/place prior to check-in and line-up.
NEW THIS YEAR: All entries will stop at the two announcer stands so your introduction can be completely read.
BANDS: Please have your front auxiliary unit stop in front of the stand. A Committee Member wearing a reflective vest will be at each stand to provide “stop” and “go” signals.
To ensure there are no gaps, please keep no more than 20 ft distance between the entry/float in front of you. This is a ‘forward moving’ parade. The parade route ends at the Veterans Memorial Hall at 615 E Street. Please continue in parade formation until you reach the Veterans Hall.
Any questions regarding staging and parade check-in, please call Larry Marques, 209-761-4988.
You may not give away any candy or food!
There is to be NO jumping on/off floats.
Restrooms will be available at Westside Union School & in the Police Dept. lobby area during the parade.
Pancake Breakfast
The annual American Legion Women’s Auxiliary pancake breakfast will be held before the parade from 7:00 am – 10:00 am at the Veterans Memorial Hall located at 615 E Street in Los Banos.
Tickets are $12 each. Meals are available “To Go”. You can contact any auxiliary member for tickets or pay at the door.
All cars must be off the street by 10:30 am or they will be towed.
VFW/American Legion BBQ
A hot dog lunch will be provided after the parade at the Veterans Memorial Hall for all entries of the parade as a way of saying “Thank You” for participating.
Most Patriotic School Contest
Winners of the Most Patriotic School contest will be announced at the Veterans Hall at approximately 1:00 pm. The awards will be presented at a future City Council meeting. Winners will be notified of the date.
Contact Information
Chairperson: Patricia McCoy 209-587-5033
Staging: Larry Marques 209-761-4988
Commanders: VFW, Mike Hughes 209-704-5301 | American Legion, Tom Higby 209-675-2976
Parade Rules and Disclaimers
The American Legion & VFW shall be absolutely nonpolitical and shall not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles nor for the promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office or preferment. Any violation of this or any parade rules will result in entry member or entire entry removal from the parade.
- Our Veterans Parade’s primary purpose is to honor all military veterans and their families. Our mission is simple: To educate and inspire community awareness while paying tribute to the service and sacrifices all veterans have endured in the pursuit of freedoms. Therefore, ALL parade entries MUST honor and thank our veterans for their service. Entries should be decorated to pay tribute to our veterans or incorporate the current year’s parade theme or display patriotism. The 2024 Parade Theme is: SALUTE TO THE COAST GUARD. Floats must be constructed in a safe manner and not present a hazard.
- Each entry interested in entering the Most Patriotic School Contest must complete an application and check the contest box on the parade application. Each entry must display the entry’s name walking or driving through the parade or result in point deduction.
- A person over 18 years old must accompany junior entrants under six years old.
- All entries with live animals/equestrian units MUST either have diaper bags or provide a clean-up crew that walks immediately behind the horses. It is unacceptable to ask marchers to submit to animal deposits.
- The Parade Committee accepts no responsibility for false statements made by applicants.
- Participants must conduct themselves in an orderly and respectful manner.
- Entry applications and parade day entries are all subject to approval by Parade Committee. Contact information will not be shared or used for any purpose other than for teh Los Banos Veterans Parade.
- By taking part in the Veterans Parade, all members of your organization are giving permission to be photographed and videotaped during this public event and for such photos and videos to be used in promoting the event.
- NOISE: Sound-amplifying equipment will maintain volume so as not to interfere with others, and must play parade-type music. Vehicle/Motorcycle revving is prohibited.
- Absolutely NO handing, throwing or otherwise passing candy or other materials from parade vehicles to the crowd. No getting on and off of moving vehicles. Must keep moving; not stopping.
- The parade MUST maintain its moving forward progress; any performed routines that stop the parade should be limited in frequency and duration. Participants may be instructed to progress along parade route in order to maintain the flow of the parade & must abide by those instructions.
- Staging instructions will be mailed approximately one week prior to the parade & will be posted on
Agreement & Release of Liability:
The undersigned further represents that he/she is authorized to execute this application and indemnity on behalf of the business or organization listed. The business or organization shall save and hold the City of Los Banos, VFW Post #2487, American Legion Post #166 and other sponsoring organizations, its employees, directors, officers, and agents harmless from any and all claims or causes of actions for injury or death to persons or damage to property resulting from internal or negligent acts, errors, or omissions of its employees during the use of this permit. The business or organization certifies it does not discriminate and shall not discriminate against any person or group of persons on account of race, religion, sex, marital status, disability, ancestry, or national origin.

2024 Los Banos Veterans Parade
Saturday, November 2, 2024
11:00 am
Salute to the Coast Guard
In 2014, the Los Banos American Legion Post 166 and the VFW Post 2487 joined together to provide a Veterans Parade. As Los Banos is a small town, it was decided to hold the parade the weekend before Veterans Day in an effort to not compete with the festivities of the larger neighboring towns.
The primary purpose of our Veterans Parade is to honor all military veterans and their families. Additionally, it is to educate and inspire community awareness while paying tribute to the service and sacrifices all veterans have endured in the pursuit of freedoms. While all veterans are honored, each year the committee selects a “theme” for the parade. Click here for the parade entry form.
The Los Banos Veterans Parade Committee is formed by a group of volunteers, both veterans and non-veterans, and welcomes new committee members. If you would like more information about the various ways you can be involved, be sure to visit our parade volunteer page.